Basic Carpet Vacuuming Tips
08/23/2013 Back To BlogYour carpet picks up a tremendous amount of dirt and grime overtime, especially in high traffic areas of the home. Cleaning it regularly will cut down on allergens, bacteria, and dirt that can build up within its fibers. If you have pets in the house, you should definitely be cleaning it more often than usual. If you have kids or toddlers that love crawling on the floor, be mindful that a filthy floor has the potential to make them sick or even worse. Here are some basic fundamentals to keeping your carpet clean.
You should vacuum it at least one time a week. If you have areas in the house that get lots of traffic you may want to consider doing it several times a week. Making a habit of vacuuming it regularly can extend its lifespan by alleviating buildup of dirt particles that are known to cut its fibers. It is also a good idea to use a smaller vacuuming tool to get into the crevices and corners of the baseboards and other areas that are otherwise hard to reach.
When preparing to vacuum wall to wall carpet, section the floor off into quadrants; vacuum one quadrant completely before moving on to the next. Taking your time will ensure that you don’t miss anything, especially if it is plush; if it is plush, you can rest assured that the dirt buildup is buried down deep into the fibers. You may have to go over it several times slowly so that the suction can remove all of the dust and dirt that is ground-in.
Adding Retardants
Carpets that are new or recently cleaned can be treated with soil retardant. Make sure to use the manufacturer’s instruction about application techniques, and use professional equipment. Carpet cleaning Livermore recommends only using these chemicals after professional consultation for the best way to ensure that the job is done correctly.